Thursday, November 13, 2014

Stiff Upper Lip

All to often we humans get sucked into this black hole-self conscious-ungrateful-entitled attitude. 

We worry about not having enough likes on instagram or Facebook.  

Not having enough people text us throughout a day.

How weird our family issues are.

Not being validated enough by others about a certain life decision. 

There are many times I've found myself concerned with menial details of my life like those.

And I think it's time for us to all just get the crap over it already.

NO MATTER how "difficult" your situation is there is ALWAYS going to be someone who is/has had it worse. 

I'm not saying you can't feel upset from time to time we are all in need of feeling what needs to be felt. 

But, the truth is after we've cried into our empty ice cream cartons we need to take the blinders off and choose to see the bigger picture. 

Our life is pretty darn good. We need to become more aware of what is truly important and stop beating ourselves up! 

Heaven created you with confidence in your potential. Try and let go of doubt trust that.

Promise me you'll stiffin that upper lip and remember how awesome you are!


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