Thursday, November 20, 2014

Tis "Almost" the Season

"Just hear those sleigh bells jing-a-lin ring ting ting-a-lin too..."

Me At Work

Time to Choreograph


Guess who gets to choreograph a bit for a high school musical production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat" ???

Here are a few clips I've used as inspiration for "Go Go Go Joseph"


I've been listening to, maybe to much, Les Miserables

Lots and lots of Les Mis....

When I got paid today and looked at my check the first thing that came in to my mind was Ann Hathaway singing, 

"What can I do? It pays a debt..."

And this line holds true too..

Thursday, November 13, 2014

I love that part

I've a few more reports for you to finish up...

Weak in the knees..

When someone you're not fond of asks/says something

Always hungry

My exact feelings when someone asks "Hey, we have extra. Do you want some?"

Stiff Upper Lip

All to often we humans get sucked into this black hole-self conscious-ungrateful-entitled attitude. 

We worry about not having enough likes on instagram or Facebook.  

Not having enough people text us throughout a day.

How weird our family issues are.

Not being validated enough by others about a certain life decision. 

There are many times I've found myself concerned with menial details of my life like those.

And I think it's time for us to all just get the crap over it already.

NO MATTER how "difficult" your situation is there is ALWAYS going to be someone who is/has had it worse. 

I'm not saying you can't feel upset from time to time we are all in need of feeling what needs to be felt. 

But, the truth is after we've cried into our empty ice cream cartons we need to take the blinders off and choose to see the bigger picture. 

Our life is pretty darn good. We need to become more aware of what is truly important and stop beating ourselves up! 

Heaven created you with confidence in your potential. Try and let go of doubt trust that.

Promise me you'll stiffin that upper lip and remember how awesome you are!


Timeless Question

We all feel like this sometimes...

I used to be

Yes I'm single, and no I don't have time to mingle

As a 23 year old graduate of BYU-Idaho (or as I like to say BYU-I didn't!) I have many times gotten  asked about the "D" word. I don't know why I said that... I'm not scared of the word dating. 
Dating is grand and fun and all that other stuff but honestly at this point in my life...

And this is a fact as well


So, it is almost time for the weekend my friends....

Oh it will be glorious.

I'm going to make yummy food and take a nap.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

D@&% you APPLE!!

Do NOT go for the Yosemite upgrade... I recently bought a big beautiful Mac desktop with Mavericks already installed. I took it home and made the terrible mistake of "upgrading" to Yosemite..... NOTHING works now and they want to charge me $50/hour to downgrade it...