Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sing it

Yes... Yes you are. 

Captain's Log 1

I've been needing a creative outlet for a bit. I've just got some different things floating around in my head and I'm like man... I should write this down. And then I was like ugh, I hate my hand writing.
That lead me here. I don't really know the whole blog scene but hey why not just try. You have to start somewhere and sometime right?
Well I guess it's here and now..
I really enjoy laughing and happy things.
A lot.
There are SOOOO many difficult/sad happening in the world today.
But there are so many great things happening as well. Like for example, I heard about this little old lady that wakes up every morning and starts sewing little dresses for girls in Africa it is her goal to send 1,000 dresses before her 100th birthday.
UHM.... love that! That is defiantly something I want to help with sometime soon here is link to it.
Another thing I love is anything having to do with Hugh Jackman.
I'm serious.
He's an incredible actor, singer, and dancer....
Triple threat.
If you visit here, you will more than likely see some posts dedicated to how much I appreciate him being on this earth.
Enjoy Exhibit A:

I mean... Common..

Till next time...

Best Moves in the Room

When you find money in your pockets while doing laundry

Oh yeah!!!