Wednesday, April 30, 2014

To do lists

The times when you have a huge list of things to Get-R-Done on your day off and you end up chilling all day watching youtube and netflix on the couch..

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Oh my...

Needing to use the ladiesroom to find them all occupied... 

Say Whaa

When you find out Zac Effron is working out in a gym that is less than 5 minutes away but your stuck at work and aren't able to go creepily stock him in real life... 

That's a true story... 


When you know there are some tasty leftovers in the fridge and find that someone has already beat you to it... 


When you have an outfit idea and try it on and look in the mirror and find it was success and you can't help but shout..

Be cool

When you make eye contact with someone attractive and you try to be cool but this happens..

Then you try and recover by doing this ..


When someone is rude to your friend especially in a public place. 


When you and your bestie find out there is a two for one deal be it food or retail... 

We've all been there

The moments when someone is really snippy on the phone with you at work and your response is...

Working Out Rewards

Days where you worked out so hard either by; actually going to gym, cleaning the whole house, or going for a run and you know your metabolism is already so high that chick-fil-a won't even count... 

Those rare wonderful days

Actually getting up to your alarm clock by the second time snooze is hit, hair done, make up flawless, lunch already packed, no frost on the car, and make it to work one minute before work "starts".... Boom 


Wishing you’d studied harder In school so you would have gotten so many amazing scholarships that you even had cash left over graduation.

So much you could do this ...


The moment someone asks you a question about something you pinky promised you'd take care of but... totally forgot about.